Depending on the version of Artica you have, the administration of the HotSpot may be different.
Indeed, between version 4.30 SP206/208 and higher versions such as version 4.40, some things have changed.
The HotSpot service is closely related to the filtering service.
Indeed, since the latter can be activated on a remote server, it is important that the HotSpot account base can be centralized in the context of use in cluster mode or via a load balancer.
When a user is redirected to the login page, you can have the portal verify the credentials through your Active Directory server.
If your proxy is only used as a HotSpot (unmixed mode), it is not necessary to join your Artica server to the domain.
Indeed, Artica only uses LDAP (389/636 port) to verify user's credentials.
Although the ticket system is similar to a user account management, the management of a limited voucher lifetime can be a problem when you want to use permanent user accounts.
The use of the LDAP database makes it possible to associate permanent accounts with the authentication on the access portal.
If you don't want to manage an account base, you can have it populated by HotSpot users.
This feature allows the user to enter an email address and confirm its account from a message sent by the HotSpot and for a specified time.
Confirmation message allows the user to access the Internet during the defined period.
The voucher/room method allows you to create mass accounts that all have a limited life span (by default 24 hours).
At the end of this time, the ticket becomes unusable.
It can be reactivated through the voucher/room manager
The WiFi4EU initiative aims to provide high-quality Internet access across the EU to citizens and visitors via free Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces such as parks, squares, government offices, libraries and health centers.
Artica allows you to manage captive portals, i.e. hotspots, in compliance with the WIFI4EU guidelines
Access to the portal is automatic, whether your browser explicitly uses the proxy in its settings or you use the transparent mode with your Artica proxy.