Artica SMTP is based on the Postfix engine and provides security features and anti-spam and anti-virus protection.
Artica Tech produces a reputation server based on more than 15,000,000 blacklist entries to block spammers.
Artica SMTP appliance delivers unparalleled multi-layered protection from spam, virus and hacker attacks.
It provides real-time enterprise email updates to reduce the window of vulnerability resulting in airtight security at the edge of the network.
The appliance form factor makes it easy to deploy with minimal ongoing administration.
It includes all well known technologies to fight Spams such as Grelylisting, Content filtering, DNS filtering and Automatic FireWall rules.
Artica Tech provides a reputation service that currently stores more than 15.000.000 blacklisted TCP/IP addresses and more than 500.000 whitelisted TCP/IP addresses