Many websites are produced through dynamic HTML building engines such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, TYPO3...
These tools offer wonderful editing features, however the multiplicity of plugins and features tip these tools into the problematic of Internet front-end applications.
Security breaches, hacking attempts, mass accesses slow down the web engine and force you to maintain your web engine constantly.This feature is no longer available from version 4.50 Service pack 1 or Hotfix 20231110-21
WebCopy is a reverse proxy feature that takes the hassle out of maintaining a CMS.
This feature allows the reverse-proxy to browse the entire destination website in order to make a local copy in a static version.
In this way, when Internet users browse your website, they do not consult the web pages from your web server but from the reverse-proxy service.
This method provides you with the best performance for the display of your web pages and ensures the security of your website.
Indeed, application attacks will have no effect on static HTML pages.
And even if the reverse-proxy directory is corrupted, the reverse-proxy will destroy it at the next synchronization.