¶ 1) Create a dedicated member in your Active Directory
The Kerberos method of the HaCluster can be used without need to use an Administrator account. In this case, you need to create a member inside your Active Directory and generates the dedicated keytab.
Just create a dedicated account for example named “Artica”
Enable extra options on this user:
Do not require Kerberos preauthentication
Password never expires.
Ensure that your load-balancer IP address and reverse record is added in your Active Directory DNS.
It is mandatory because you will have to add to the load-balancer fqdn in the browser settings to make the Kerberos authentication working properly .
¶ 2) Fill general information inside Artica Web-console
With Artica 4.30 SP429 a new feature as been added that allows you to make a connection with a wizard
This operation must be made on the load balancer.
The left menu “HaCluster” / “Active Directory” allows you to define parameters to enable Active Directory connections on backend servers.
Check the standard Active Directory “Prerequisites” section before using this section
Not for the load balancer itself: The load balancer is able to send Active Directory information to backends. You don't have to set anything on the backends proxies themselves
Fill the form correctly (using prerequisites for the used account used)
If you want to secure exchange the krb5.keytab between servers, click on Crypt Krb5.keytab checkbox
After the form filled, you will see a section that allows you explain how to run a command line in your Active Directory in order to get the Kerberos ticket.
In the command-line, replace ****** by the real password of the created AD member.
Note: be carrefull of the password, you must escape specials characters in command line ( eg $ to `$ )
Once uploaded, click on the button “Kerberos Ticket”
If the user is correctly defined and the command line as been executed, you must see 2 more information : Service Principal Name (SPN) AD 0 and User Principal Name AD 0 with the right SPN defined in Artica