There are internet services that produce lists of malicious websites.
You have an SOC service that is able to export IOCs of malicious websites.
You have a central application that can produce a list of websites.
Artica is compatibles with :
domains separated by a carriage return.
Ip address + space + domain + carriage return.
adblock formatted source.
RPZ formatted source
Sources are fetched each 2 hours. Artica take care of the HTTP header time and the crc32 of the remote source to not parse a file that is not modified. If there are changes, Artica will compile categories automatically to make it available.
The Force option allows you to add items without checking if they are already categorized. If the option is OFF and the website is already present in a category (whether it is in the Cloud Artica categories, CGuard, in The Shieldsreputation system), the website will not be added in your personal category
After several minutes, you are able to see 2 numbers and a time:
The 2 numbers is the number of parsed lines / the number of added entries into the database.
The time is when the file is considered as new and be parsed.