The HotSpot feature allows you to redirect non-authenticated users to a splash screen that allows them to establish a session.
It works for both users connected to the Active Directory and users outside the Active DirectoryThis Article is for the 4.30 LTS, for a 4.40/4.50 please refer to this article
Select the option, Create a portal authentication page and give a name of your web service
this section defines the Proxy behavior when using the HotSpot Plugin.
In order to not delay the session process, the proxy is able to load “Processes” a Process is an HotSpot Plugin.
The HotSpot Plugin is in charge to deny or allow a request, understand that a request is not a session, in single page, you can have images, css, embeeded objects…
Each object in a web page is a request: css, images, embeeded objects…
A process is not a session, an HotSpot plugin can handle many requests but only one at the same time.
The “Max Processes to run” can be calculated about “How many requests can handle the proxy at the same time”.
We estimate in a standard utilization a performance of 20 requests per second (according to the Positive Cache TTL value)…
The default is a bit higher.. So it can handle about 50 requests per seconds.
Processes to Start: How many HotSpot Plugins are loaded when the proxy service is started.
Processes to prepare: In order to reducing latency of executing a new process, the proxy “prepare” one or several processes.
These processes are not used but prepared to be used if the proxy require more HotSpot processes.
Positive Cache TTL: The proxy ask to the HotSpot plugin using a key/pair cache index.
When the HotSpot plugin send a positive result, the proxy stores this result in a memory cache.
In this case, the second request will not sent to the HotSpot plugin but get results from the first request.
Each key/pair have a limited period in a cache defined by this token.
It means that an HotSpot Session have a minimal period defined by this cache ( 5 minutes by default )
Negative Cache TTL: This is the same behavior of “Positive Cache” but when the HotSpot plugin return a wrong result ( session expired, authentication failed, ban…).
By default, this cache is disabled (0) in order to allow the user to retry authentication just after a wrong posted credential.
TimeOuts sessions are an HotSpot session/member time to live.
Authentication section allows you to define which database can be used to verify accounts, you have 2 databases ;
Active Directory: Artica use the Active Directory LDAP database if posted credentials are stored in the Active Directory.
You have to install the Active Directory feature and configure “Connections” to let Artica know where to test posted credentials.
Use Voucher method: The Voucher method use username and password with the Artica local database, with vouchers, you can use tickets or username to authenticate members.