The Content Security Policy response header field is a tool to implement defense in depth mechanism for protection of data from content injection vulnerabilities such as cross-scripting attacks. It provides a policy mechanism that allows developers to detect the flaws present in their application and reduce application privileges. It provides developer control over the application at a granular level to prevent various attacks and maintain content integrity.
On the Web site parameter, down to Security section.
Click on the “Content Security Policy” Link
Click on Enable feature to activate the restriction header
Click on “New rule” button.
Set a description of your rule.
Add Content-Security-Policy in the HTTP header field
Inside the content, add value as the following format
Multiple policy directives can be used in a line separated by semi-colon.
child-src: It controls the creation of nested browsing context and requests which populate the frame of a worker. child-src
default-src: It is used to serve as default source list of policy considering the value entered and serve as fallback for other fetch directives. default-src 'self'
frame-src: It restricts URLs loaded for nested browsing context. frame-src
manifest-src: It controls the URLs from which various elements of a resource might be loaded. manifest-src
object-src: It is used restrict URLs which can load plugin content into application. object-src
connect-src: It is used to control URLs that can be loaded using scripting interfaces into applications. connect-src
font-src: It controls URLs that can load fonts into application. font-src
img-src: It controls URLs that can load images into application. img-src
media-src: It controls URLs that can load audio, video and associated text track resources into application. media-src
style-src: It controls sources that can apply load and apply Stylesheet to an application.
script-src: It controls sources that can implement JavaScript into application.
These directives are experimental application programming interfaces such as prefetch-src, script-src-elem, script-src-attr, style-src-elem, style-src-attr and worker-src.
plugin-types: It limits the resources loaded for restricting the possibility to plugins being embedded into a document. plugin-types application/pdf
base-uri: It controls the URLs that can be loaded into base element present in document.
sandbox: The HTML sandbox policy can be applied by user agent through the specifications of this directive.