Service can be configured using the /etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest startup script
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest stop
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest start
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest restart
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure port 80
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure interface eth1
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure debug on/off/1/0/yes/no
Events and debug events are stored in the syslog system
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure ssl on/off/1/0/yes/no
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure certificate [certificate name]
Where the [certificate name] is the name of your certificate stored inside the certificate center
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure snapshots on/off/1/0/yes/no
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure restrictions show
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure restrictions [+ or -] [address/cdir]
Where + sign add the entry in database and - remove the entry in database.
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure restrictions +
Credentials testing allows you to set the engine to check a url using the proxy and defined credentials.
If the proxy refuse the authentication, then the status result will be false.
This feature is not available in Kerberos method because a specific Kerberos test is made to ensure the authentication is working properly.
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure auth on/off/1/0/yes/no
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure username [testuser]
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure password [password]
/etc/init.d/artica-ad-rest configure testurl [full url to test]