To add a back-end, nothing can be done on the proxy itself.
Click on the “New backend” button
Master Proxy: Only one "back-end" act as the master proxy. The Master proxy is a proxy that allows you to configure proxy settings, ACL rules, caches, Web-filtering… Everything configured on the master proxy will be automatically replicated to the other proxy servers.
Back-end name: it is a label name used to be displayed in the configuration.
Destination address: The TCP/IP address of the back-end.
Destination Port: The listen port used that the load-balancer will use to communicate with the proxy service
Remote Artica listen port: The SSL port number of the Artica Web console (usually the 9000)
Weight: The "weight" parameter is used to adjust the server's weight relative to other servers. All servers will receive a load proportional to their weight relative to the sum of all weights, so the higher the weight, the higher the load. The default weight is 1, and the maximal value is 256. A value of 0 means the server will not participate in load-balancing but will still accept persistent connections. If this parameter is used to distribute the load according to the server's capacity, it is recommended to start with values which can both grow and shrink, for instance between 10 and 100 to leave enough room above and below for later adjustments.
When adding a back-end, the load-balancer set up Automatically the remote Artica server to be a part of the pool, the Active Directory connection it is automatically setup on the remote server.