On the left menu, choose Active Directory > Status
Click on the “Configure" button inside the Watchdog green widget.
Turn into the emergency mode Automatically. The emergency mode allows everyone to go through the proxy without any authentication. In this case, a connection error will have little impact on your users. By default, this feature is disabled, the watchdog leaves the proxy as is. Turn ON if you want to activate the emergency mode. When the watchdog has activated the emergency mode, it will continue to monitor. If new tests are then concluded to be successful, i.e. that the Active Directory link has been re-established, then the emergency mode will be automatically removed and the proxy will return to normal mode.
Update frequency. The service performs network and system compatibility tests to ensure a good relationship between your Artica box and your Active Directory server. If one of the tests fails, the service will react immediately (by default, do nothing but notify) The frequency of these tests is done by default every 10 minutes. It is up to you to evaluate this frequency. Indeed, with a frequency of every 10 minutes, if a problem occurs between the two tests, you may not be informed or the emergency mode may not be activated for a maximum of 10 minutes.